Friday, February 19, 2010

My Life Is comparison.

I will not complain tomorrow...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dysfunctional Procrastination

So I started a project today. And when you do a project like this, you have a lot of time to think. And I was thinking about how I need to change the title of my blog. I picked that title because I thought it was funny that I finally got around to blogging now when I wanted to start two years ago.

But now I realize it really fits. But as a first impression, it makes me sound like a huge procrastinator, perhaps even straight up lazy. But in fact, I'm neither of those things. I am a doer, everyday I have things I have to accomplish. I overcommit, I do too much, really, the complete opposite of not doing enough. And I have a very dysfunctional form of procrastination.

What I do is exactly what I've done today. I look at the things around me that have to be done, I prioritize them in my mind, then I knowing what the top priorities are, I will go and start a completely new and ridiculous project like painting my bathroom. I have a mountain of work I should be doing, I have laundry that needs me, I really ought to straighten my' rooms, and did I mention I need to work.

But I decided that certainly I had time to stop and paint my bathroom. And this is what I do, all the time. I paint whole rooms when I'm the most busy in life. I don't know what makes me do this, except the need to procrastinate what I should be doing, but I'm so not lazy that I can't procrastinate in the normal ways like video games, going shopping, movies, etc. No, I'm so overboard in my having too much to do, that I create something even more out of control than how busy my life is.

Help me! This is a true psychosis.

And that's why I love my new blog title picture. Because I will get to it ALL eventually. I always do, I get it all done. But I have a crazy way of prioritizing it.

Found this picture on Stumble. If you don't stumble, you are missing another GREAT way to procrastinate.